Welcome! This page acts like my own diary which will include a collection of thoughts and feelings about what I’m currently experiencing. You might find some content completely relatable, and some you might not. It’s only meant to serve as an outlet for me to share what’s going on in my own anxious mind.

April 14, 2023

I have worked in retail for almost nine years now. I’ve enjoyed it plenty. I’ve gotten to work with some really incredible people and got to meet so many more over the years – customers and co-workers.
For the past five years, I’ve been employed at one particular company, and while it’s been great, I’m beginning to reach the point of complete burnout. I no longer find myself enjoying my job, but rather dreading it. It’s no longer fulfilling, yet I still can’t seem to leave. (Thanks to my lovely friend Anxiety.)

I used to get anxiety when I first got the job, and then after getting comfortable, the anxiety went away. Now, here I am, getting anxiety all over again about having to go in. It almost feels like a full-circle kind of thing. I look at it as a sign that my time is coming to end with the company. I know there is a job better suited for me that will be more enjoyable and fulfilling. I just have to pull my head from my ass and go out and find it.