Hi there, I’m Molly. Welcome to my world!

For the past twenty-five years, I’ve been travelling down a long, bumpy road. Joining me on my journey through life is a companion of mine, Anxiety. Anxiety has been by my side through it all. Occasionally making an appearance is another friend of mine called co-dependency.

In twenty-five years, Anxiety has never left my side. She danced beside me during ballet recitals in elementary school. She sang with me at my first talent show. She was with me when I got my first boyfriend in middle school and she held me while I cried when he and I broke up. She sat shotgun in the gar with me when I got my license. She held my hand as I walked across the stage at my high school graduation.

My relationship with Anxiety has been like any other friendship- we do everything together. We have our ups and down, we fight and makeup. It hasn’t always been easy but over the years we’ve found ways to co-exist and live with one another.

I invite you to accompany anxiety and me on our journey through life. Stay tuned to read more about what it’s been like living with Anxiety, how we’ve learned to cope with each other, and what we’re up to now.


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