Mental Health

Distancing From Negativity

To continue making headway in managing our anxiety, it is imperative that we distance ourselves from the negative people in our lives. Since we are easily influenced by the people we associate with, it would only harm our mental health and well-being to continue involving ourselves with negative people.

The energy people radiate is contagious, whether it is positive or negative, and it constantly flows through and around us. If we are continuously spending time with negative people, their negativity can influence our own energy, mood, and mindset.

A negative persons’ outlook leads them to believe that their life is only bad, and that there are only more bad things to come. They don’t see the good or are unwilling to find the good in a situation. When things don’t go their way, they will find a factor outside of themselves to blame. These negative people might be unhappy with multiple, if not all, aspects of their life, and regularly interacting with them will not benefit us in any way.

People who are frequently complaining about their life, and expressing their negativity, have a unhealthy mentality that can rub off on us, and can make us think and feel the same way about our life. Rather than focusing on their negativity, we need to focus on our own growth and development, and that means distancing ourselves from them.

While we may not be able to fully distance ourselves from all negative people, we can work towards limiting our interactions with them. We can limit how much time we spend with an individual, and we can limit how often we communicate with them. We can also seek out new friendships and relationships with people who are more positive, supportive, share similar goals and dreams, and make us feel happier.

Take time to think about who you are sharing your time with. If you find that you are surrounded by negative people or people who bring you down, then consider distancing yourself from them.

With love & support, Molly

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