We can be our own worst critic. When we don’t handle a situation the way we wanted to, or we don’t accomplish what we wanted to, we scold ourselves. We say self-deprecating things that slowly chip away our confidence and limit our ability to make progress.
Rather than speaking to ourselves in a self-deprecating way, we should be showing ourselves love and compassion. Self-love and self-compassion fuel our confidence and promotes change.
In order to show ourselves the love and compassion we should be, we need to change the way we speak to ourselves.
To do that, we must flip the script.
- I’m not good enough –> I am good enough
- I can’t do this –> I will do this to the best of my ability
- I’m such an idiot –> Everyone makes mistakes
- I’m so stupid –> There is always room to improve
- I’m a failure –> I will learn from this and try to do better next time
- This isn’t fair –> I will make the best of it
Breaking the cycle of negative self-talk, like breaking any bad habit, is going to take time. Be patient with yourself and give yourself the benefit of the doubt if you don’t always get it right.
With love & support, Molly