The mind is a sly trickster. When we are in an anxious state, it bombards us with a barrage of irrational thoughts in an attempt to con us into believing a situation is so horrible that it must be avoided at all costs.

Rather than allowing ourselves to be fooled by the duplicitous trickster, we can outwit it by proposing three rational questions. These questions serve as a way to end the trickery and bring us back to reality.

The Three Rational Questions

  1. Is my thinking based on fact?
  2. Does my thinking help me achieve my goals?
  3. Does my thinking help me feel the way I want to feel?

If we answer “yes” to the three questions, then our thinking is rational; it is in our best interest to keep that thought.

If we answer “no” to one or more of the questions, then our thinking is irrational; it is in our best interest to reform our thought into one that is rational.


Initial thought: If I go to the interview, they will reject me because I don’t have any experience; I will be a failure.

Is my thinking based on fact?: No

Does my thinking help me achieve my goals?: No. My goal is to get a job.

Does my thinking help me feel the way I want to feel?: No. I want to feel satisfied and I want to feel like I have accomplished something.

Because I answered “no” to all three questions, it means that my thought was irrational.

Modified thought (1): If I go to the interview, I will do my best to show that, despite my lack of experience, I am eager to work and learn.

Modified thought (2): If I go to the interview and I don’t get the job, it doesn’t make me a failure. Instead of becoming disappointed in myself, I will be PROUD of myself for completing this task.

Modified thought (3): If I go to the interview and I don’t get the job, I will learn from this experience and better prepare myself for the next interview.

Do not let your mind trick you with irrational thoughts. Get in the habit of asking yourself these three rational questions and learn to modify your thoughts into rational ones.

With love & support, Molly

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