There is no change where there is no action.

We often feel that a lot of things that happen to us in our lives are beyond our control, and that our only choice is to accept the hand we’ve been dealt. We believe that we lack the power to change our circumstances, and instead of actively working towards making the necessary changes or taking the steps to change our situation, we complain about where we are in our lives.

We are not powerless. We have the power to create the life we desire.

Familiarize yourself with the mental mistakes, begin writing, practice positive thinking, build a support system, constantly ask yourself the three rational questions, seek professional help, etc.

It’s okay to feel hesitant about taking action, and to want to avoid the discomfort that goes along with it, but once you start to see your progress, it’ll be worth it.

Remember, there is no change where there is no action.

With love & support, Molly

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