At one point or another, we’ve all experienced a bad day. Often, what occurs is an isolated incident that we give too much power to by dwelling on it which then taints the rest of our day.

Continuing to dwell on the negative is like opening a window for more negative energy to come in and influence us. The more negative energy we put out, the more negative energy we attract.

Bad experiences may be unavoidable, but we are always in control of how we respond to them. We don’t have to let a single incident ruin our entire day.

How to deal with a bad experience

  • Be kind to yourself – give yourself a little pep talk
    • Tell yourself: “I will be okay. I am strong enough and brave enough to get through this.”
    • Tell yourself: “Today may be hard, but I can and will overcome this.”
  • List three positive things that happened to you
  • Treat Yo’ Self – give yourself a treat to help boost your mood
    • Buy yourself a new book.
    • Purchase your favorite candy or your favorite food.
    • Pamper yourself with a bubble bath or a mani/pedi.
    • Splurge (responsibly): Finally get that bottle of wine you’ve been eyeing, or get yourself a new pair of shoes, or buy that new video game you’ve been wanting to play.
  • Write yourself some pick-me-up notes
    • On a small piece of paper or an index card write down kind words to yourself that you can keep on your person, and pull out at a moments notice for when you feel you need a quick pick-me-up.

Inevitably, bad days are a part of life. There will be times when, despite our efforts, we’ll fail to pull ourselves out of that negative mindset. and that’s okay. We’ll just have to try our best the next time.

Take time to reflect on your bad day, analyze why things went badly, and consider what changes you can make to prevent a bad experience from becoming a bad day.

With love and support, Molly

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