At one point or another, we’ve all experienced a bad day. Often, what occurs is an isolated incident that we give too much power to by dwelling on it which then taints the rest of our day.
Bad Days

An Anxious Girl in A Scary World
A blog about overcoming anxiety disorders
At one point or another, we’ve all experienced a bad day. Often, what occurs is an isolated incident that we give too much power to by dwelling on it which then taints the rest of our day.
While The Backpack of Horrors may sound like the title of some low-budget, poorly filmed horror movie, I can assure you It’s not. The Backpack of Horrors is where I stored all of my negative experiences.
Fear is natural emotion that helps us recognize a dangerous situation, physical or psychological. It can occur in response to something that is happening in the present moment or in anticipation of a future event.