Inside our comfort zone is safety and security. It’s calm, quiet, and where we are in control. Although we enjoy staying inside our comfort zone because we are free from disappointments, failures, and mistakes, those things are only a fraction of what we will encounter. There is far more good awaiting us in the world outside than what we are leaving behind. There are new friendships to be made, new adventures to be had, and new opportunities to be taken.

The new people we’ll meet might lead to long-lasting friendships with individuals who make a real impact on our lives. The adventures we’ll go on could lead us to places that we never would have ventured before. The opportunities, whether job related or otherwise, will give us invaluable tools and skills that we can take with us into the future, and could also provide us with financial independence.

Small steps first

There’s no need to have a “go big or go home” attitude when deciding to step outside of your comfort zone. Taking one small step forward is something to be proud of.

“It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.”

Old Chinese Proverb

Think about what lies outside of your comfort zone. What things do you want to be able to do or achieve? Task yourself with taking one small step in the direction you want to go.

What you can do:

  • Choose a different genre of movie/tv show that you wouldn’t ordinarily pick
  • Take a different route to work
  • Try a new food you’ve never had
  • Eat out at a restaurant you’ve never been to
  • Teach yourself something new: how to play an instrument, how to do sudoku puzzles, how to change a tire, etc.
  • Try a diet/workout program
  • Say ‘yes’ to going out somewhere new with your friends/family
  • Accept a date
  • Shuffle your playlist/listen to a new genre of music

Have compassion and celebrate along the way

Leaving your comfort zone can be a scary one. It’s okay if you don’t accomplish your small step right away. Don’t beat yourself up over it. Be compassionate with yourself and remember, there is no time limit- you can always try again tomorrow.

Celebrate every step you take along the way. Enjoy your new-found strength and confidence, and keep going!

Moving beyond your comfort zone might seem like a daunting task, but remember, you only need to take it one step at a time, one day at a time. You’ve got this, and I’m rooting for you every step of the way.

With love and support, Molly

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  1. Mols, this is excellent! I certainly can see you putting all this valuable information in book form in the future! Love you lots!

    1. Thank you! I hope others find what I’m sharing just as valuable as you do.

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