Having anxiety, whether it’s something that came around later in your in life or something that you’ve had forever, is nothing to be ashamed of. Your anxiety is a part of you and probably always will be. Accept it.

Acceptance of your anxiety doesn’t mean that you are giving in to it and letting it have control over you. You don’t have to like the fact that you have anxiety, but by accepting it, you are giving yourself the permission to be who you are. You are giving yourself permission to feel the way you do. You can accept your anxiety and still work towards managing it.

Acknowledge all of what makes you you– the good, the bad, and everything in between, and avoid judgement.

Getting yourself to a place of acceptance may not happen over night- it’s going to take time, practice, and patience. It’s okay if some days you go from accepting your anxiety to rejecting it. Realize that acceptance is a choice that you have to make every day.

My Experience

Dealing with an anxiety disorder for as long as I have, I grew to accept that this was something that I would have to contend with for the rest of my life. Accepting it wasn’t something that came easily and I fought and rebelled against it for as long as I could. I eventually got to the point where I was too exhausted to fight it. My social anxiety wasn’t going to miraculously disappear and beating myself up over having it wasn’t going to get me anywhere.

I began to work with an amazing therapist who, for five years, helped me learn how to manage it. Somewhere, between all the sessions, all the lessons, and all the hardships, I accepted that my anxiety would always be a part of me. I accepted that I would have to work hard at managing it every day. I accepted that, even though this will continue to be a daily struggle for me, I am whole. I accepted that I am not defective. I am not broken. I am Me.

With love & support, Molly

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