Taking mental health days are an important part of the process of managing your anxiety. Without taking the time to rest and recuperate, you run the risk of becoming mentally overwhelmed, and more likely to hit a breaking point.

You might be close to your breaking point if you experience any of the following:

  • Sensory overload 
  • Trouble sleeping / staying asleep
  • Extreme tiredness
  • Increased irritability 
  • Low tolerance / patience 
  • High running emotions 

If you are experiencing one, or all of the symptoms, then it’s time to take a day for yourself.

By allowing yourself to take a mental health day, you will be much more capable of managing your anxiety, and accomplishing tasks will seem less unnerving. Do things that make you feel good, reduce your stress levels, and do not require you to put out more energy than you have.

Self-Care Ideas

  • Rest 
  • Limit your interactions with people 
  • Do something you enjoy
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Cuddle your furry friend 
  • Journal / write / read
  • Stay hydrated 
  • Practice breathing 
  • Have a spa day 

When I’m feeling overwhelmed, and I’m close to having a complete mental breakdown, I know that it’s time for me to take a mental health day. If I don’t, I find that I become more easily agitated, snapping at my friends and family over things that normally, would have only annoyed me slightly. I also find that when my emotions are heightened, I will act out in anger or cry uncontrollably.

It’s not a good feeling, feeling like I’m not in control of myself, so I do what I know will make me feel better. I like to sit outside in nature, go fishing, curl up in front of the T.V. with my dog, or use my time to write. Sometimes, I give myself a spa day. I’ll take a hot shower, put on a face mask, and give myself a pedicure. After doing those things, I know my body and mind will be better for it, and that I will be ready to tackle whatever I might face the next day.

Take a day to care for yourself. Self-care is neither selfish, nor something to feel guilty about.

With love & support, Molly

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