Informational Mental Health

Easing Back To School Anxiety

School is back in session!

The start of the new school year also means the start of the BTS (back to school) anxiety.

I for one, have always dreaded that first day. My anxiety always seemed to increase ten-fold during my first few days back to school than at any other time. I always used to say that I wished I could skip over that first week or two of adjustment and just enter in already knowing where my classes where, who my teachers were, what lunch I had and where to sit, and whether I had classes with any of my friends.

If I had known then what I know now, my first days might not have been so nerve wracking. With these few tips, hopefully you can have a much better start to your school year.

Things To Keep In Mind:

There are hundreds (or thousands, maybe millions) of others who are just as nervous as you are about the first day back. It’s okay to be nervous! You aren’t the only one!

The first day back is always the toughest, but every day after will get easier. Give yourself time to adjust to all the newness. Before you know it, you’ll have found your rhythm.

You have survived every first day of school you’ve ever had, and you will survive this one.

In times of high anxiety, your mind might want to wander to worst case scenarios or if you feel yourself beginning to catastrophize, try to remind yourself that this way of thinking is irrational and serves no purpose but to fuel your anxiety rather than quell it.

How To Prepare:

Make a list of any and all school supplies you need. Whether your heading into middle school, high school, or heading away to college for the first time, you can never go wrong with a list.

Discuss any fears and anxieties with a friend or a loved one. By voicing your concerns and sharing your worst case scenario thoughts, your friends and loved ones can help you to realize the improbability of these situations taking place.

Journal about your fears and anxieties. If you don’t feel up to talking, or you still feel you have more on your mind, then journaling can help to alleviate the seemingly ceaseless barrage of negative thoughts.

Trade the “what if this goes wrong” for the “what if this goes right” thoughts. Rather than constantly assuming the worst, try to think of all the good possibilities.

Example: “What if I don’t make any friends,” turns into “What if I make the best friends.”

Get your eight hours of sleep, or try your best to. Getting a good nights rest before the big day will help your concentration, and boost your level of productivity. If you can, try to avoid having any caffeine too late in the day as well.

Build your first day of school look the night before, or put together a few outfits. If you’re anything like me, and change your mind (and your outfit) at least 3-4 times before finally deciding on the winning outfit, be sure to get up a little earlier to account for the wardrobe changes.

Pack your lunch the night before. This will save you time in the morning and eliminate any last minute rushing that might make you more anxious.

Whether you’re going back to school in person, or taking hybrid classes, any amount of anxiety you have about the new school year is normal and completely understandable.

Don’t be too hard on yourself, give yourself time to adjust, and remember, you are not alone!

You so totally got this!

With love and support, Molly

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