Making mistakes is a part of life; it’s what makes us human. The best part of being human, though, is that we can be forgiven. Not just by others, but by ourselves, perhaps the most important type of forgiveness.
Rational Questions
The mind is a shifty trickster. When we are in an anxious state, it bombards us with a barrage of irrational thoughts in an attempt to con us into believing a situation is so horrible that it must be avoided at all costs.
Flip the Script
We can be our own worst critic. When we don’t handle a situation the way we wanted to, or we don’t accomplish what we wanted to, we scold ourselves. We say self-deprecating things that slowly chip away our confidence and limit our ability to make progress.
Establish A Support System
When we feel we are too weak to handle our anxiety and cannot trust our own thoughts, turning to those we trust can mean the difference between falling into the pit of despair or rising above it. Having a healthy support system is a vital component of successfully managing our anxiety.
Distancing From Negativity
To continue making headway in managing our anxiety, it is imperative that we remove the negative people from our lives. Since we can easily be influenced by the people we associate with, it would only do more harm to our mental health and well-being to continue to involving ourselves with negative people.
Hearing that we’re not performing to standards, or that we’re lacking in some way, is never something we want to hear, especially for a person with anxiety. Since being judged is something that we are fearful of, being criticized feels like the ultimate form of judgement.
Mental Health Days
Taking mental health days are an important part of the process of managing your anxiety. Without taking the time to rest and recuperate, you run the risk of becoming mentally overwhelmed, and more likely to hit a breaking point.
Write It Out
One characteristic of anxiety that is difficult for us to manage is our thought process. Our anxiety hinders our capability to think rationally, causes us to think of the worst case scenarios, and causes us to dwell on a negative situation or incident.
Our Own Paths
We cannot allow ourselves to get swallowed up by feelings of inadequacy or failure. It’s important to remember that we all move at a different pace, accomplishing tasks at a different rate than others.
Celebrating 26 Years
Today I’m celebrating my 26th birthday! As I sipped my coffee on this rainy Wednesday morning, I couldn’t help but think back on my journey. The past …